To Pee or Not to Pee, That Is the Question

Freediving Training

One of the thorniest issues many divers and freedivers are embarrassed to discuss is whether you can pee in your wetsuit. So let us take liberty of destroying myths and opening the veil of secrecy of this process. And as it’s a very natural process, let’s be honest from the start: we support peeing with no regrets.

There is a well-known expression in the diving community:
“There are those who pee in their wetsuit, and those who say they don’t.”

No one can say with 100% of confidence whether it’s true or not. But there are still many myths about peeing in your wetsuit while diving, and we’d like to dispel them here.

Drink less water before diving to avoid peeing in your wetsuit

Under no circumstances is it recommended to dive when dehydrated! In diving, dehydration increases the likelihood of decompression sickness. In freediving, dehydration and thickening of blood reduce the oxygen capacity of the blood. Dehydration also leads to headaches and complicates equalization. It’s really harmful and dangerous, so never avoid drinking water before your diving or freediving session. Moreover, having a bottle of fresh water at the buoy and drinking at least several sips after each dive is a very useful habit which helps you feel good during the session.

We lose a lot of liquid while diving, freediving, and even swimming, because our bodies naturally tend to produce urine when immersed in water. This physiological effect is called immersion diuresis. Peripheral vasoconstriction is activated in the body when you descend in the water that is colder than the ambient temperature. Blood redistributes from the limbs to the central organs and the pulmonary circulation. Your body interprets this as an excess of fluid in the body. The kidneys receive the signal to produce urine to get rid of excessive fluid and your brain says that it’s time to empty the bladder. So the desire to pee while diving is a natural physiological need!

One more reason to drink water is that when the body is dehydrated, urine has a stronger smell and color. So do a favor to yourself and others — drink more water!

open trip nusa penida

I can hold a little longer

Resisting the urge to urinate may lead to infections of the urinary tract or bladder, especially in women. This is an extremely painful condition. On top of that, looking for treatment in a remote corner of the planet where doctors and necessary medicines may not be easily available is definitely not something you want to do.

In addition, it’s very difficult to relax and prepare for a dive with a full bladder. In this case, comfortable diving and unity with the ocean are out of the question. So relax and answer the call of nature!

Urine may damage the wetsuit

Urine won’t ruin your wetsuit and it won’t stick out. However, it’s obvious that the suit must be thoroughly washed afterwards. Although urine doesn’t damage it, an unwashed wetsuit may cause a skin condition similar to dermatitis. And well, it just smells bad.

Urination helps keep you warm

Another myth we would like to dispel now is this: quite often supporters of peeing describe how urinating while diving can make a cold dive much warmer. Unfortunately, these effects are temporary and counterproductive.

Warm urine tells your body that you’re no longer in a cold environment. Therefore, when fresh cold water enters your suit again, your body is not ready. Now you feel even colder than before, and your body has to spend additional energy to warm this cold water. So don’t put much hope on this way to keep warm, it won’t work.


Now, after we’ve covered some of the myths and misconceptions, let’s talk about some of the methods and recommendations associated with urinating while diving to make it cleaner and more comfortable.

  • Always flush! Don’t wait until you reach the beach or boat. Pull off the wetsuit around your neck and arms to rinse it with water as much as possible. In this regard, separate freediving wetsuits are much more convenient than single-piece ones. You can simply sail away from the buoy, unfasten your jacket, and pull off the top of your pants a little. After peeing out, you can easily fasten everything back and return to the buoy.
  • Remember that special wetsuits with valves for peeing are available — unfortunately, only for men. If this is a pressing issue for you, consider buying one.
  • Try to do the job in the beginning of a scuba dive or in the beginning of a session on the buoy if you are freediving. Don’t wait for the end. This will give you more opportunities and time for flushing urine from a wetsuit.
  • Avoid foods that make urine extra-odorous, such as asparagus, brussels sprouts, onions, garlic, and salmon.
  • Rinse your suit well after every dive! You can add an antiseptic such as Dettol. If the suit still has the specific smell, you can use special detergents for wetsuits sold in diving equipment stores. Or maybe it’s just time to buy a new suit?

So, in short: it’s not bad to pee in your wetsuit. Always enjoy your time in water and do whatever you need to feel comfortable and relax!

Enjoy your time in water

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